The Alpha X Podcast – 010 – One simple ‘no BS’ way to stop procrastinating and start transforming your life TODAY!

This is a unique opportunity to learn from one of Jay’s live Results Coaching sessions, where someone just like you is coached. In today’s podcast, Jay is working with Mridul (name changed) to help him overcome his lifelong habit of procrastination. In today’s podcast, you will learn:

1. Why you procrastinate and what you can do about it!

2. How you can finally take action towards that goal that you have always been meaning to take

3. What it takes are long-term, tangible results!

And much much more!


03:13 – Where are you in your life right now? 


In the last one and a half years, I’ve done absolutely nothing. I’ve just mostly lived in my head and wanting to do things.

I get frightened while talking to people.

I just feel that I cannot hang out with people or that self-confidence comes in the way. 

I feel that I’m pretending to be confident. Sure. And how long will I keep up that? 

05:17 – Where do you want to be in one year? What is your vision?


I want to be able to do something meaningful.

I want to have a good relationship. I want to have a good house, which I’ve been planning for a long time, but have done absolutely nothing about it. I want to buy a house.

I want to work on my health and fitness.

07:04 – What do you think is the obstacle that is stopping you from achieving these things? 


one of the things is my, my lack of commitment, or self-discipline, focus.

my own skepticism, or maybe trying out too many things

I’ve been reading lots of books in the last one year, but maybe I’m not implementing it out

08:34 – what would have to change for you to start implementing?


my own perspective has to change.

I think I’m just waiting for the right moment when everything will be sorted for me to start,

08:48 – is that moment ever going to come?

That moment has not come for the last many years. It’s not going to come. I’ve just been fooling around.

So what has to change for you to start implementing?


I need to be more committed. I mean, my commitment, my mindset has to change.

09:03 – Jay’s story about a mindset change 

In 2018, my mom was in the hospital, in the ICU bed. 

We were really, really scared because we had no idea what was going on.

she was going after test after test after test after test. And these tests are expensive, right. And I was not doing so well financially, in 2018. 

The thing was I had to come up with a lot of money in a very short span of time.

and at that particular point in time, the thing that was stopping me from even starting my business was money, that when it came to my mom, there was no second thought

I wasn’t thinking about my confidence, I wasn’t thinking about Can I do it? I wasn’t thinking about my resources. The bottom line is I wasn’t thinking about myself. I was thinking about what I needed to do for somebody else that I loved. 

And that’s really the key. 

11:12 – Jay’s story about losing weight :

I used to be overweight, I used to have a double chin at one point in time, a nice big belly, double chin.

I tried for years, almost a decade to lose weight. And I’d given up

But the thing that made a difference for me was when I signed up for an MMA fight, go in the cage, and actually compete, and that scared the shit out of me.

So I was prepared and ready to go ahead and compete

I lost weight during the training process of that fight. 

in the fight scenario, I was thinking about myself, because I was thinking about making it out alive.

it was about shifting my focus from you know, myself to external.

Another main reason I decided to take up that fight is that I didn’t want to let my coach down at the time.

You see it’s always about someone else when we have the courage to do something out of way.

14:58 – Isn’t your life at stake?

What will you be giving up? If you do not implement?

All of the things you mentioned earlier

How would you feel, if 10 years from now, you’re operating from the same belief system that you’re operating right now?

And you’re never able to execute and implement all of these things that you want, and you’re never able to get the idea? 

How would you feel?

15:52 – Things never stay the same, they are either improving or they’re going down.

 If you don’t go to the gym, you’re not gonna stay the same. You actually deteriorate, you’re going to get weaker, your stamina is going to drop, your immunity is going to drop, the overall functionality is going to go down.

16:54 – tell me right now three outcomes that you want to set for yourself for the next one year: three outcomes very quickly. 


I want to get in my best shape.  I want to get into a relationship and get married. I want to buy a good house. 

18:18 – What I want you to do right now is to imagine two possibilities.

Number one is to imagine a possibility, where none of this comes to fruition. How would you feel and I want you to describe it right now.


I think I just feel very hopeless. And I think I just feel more abundant. And I think I’ve just let everybody down in my life, including my own father and my own brother. I was capable, I feel that I was capable. But I just didn’t take any action. And I just lived in my head and my life is worse now…

19:57 – Now, let’s look at it from the other perspective. Now, I want you to think about each and every one of those things happening true.

Imagine the first thing that you said, Your first outcome happening, as if it’s already happened, I want you to imagine it and feel how you would feel if it had happened.

How do you feel?


Yeah, this is the best thing that can probably happen. And this, like, I have the exact vision of how I want to look like and, and. And if all these things are happening now, there’s like so many possibilities, life is just opened up full of possibilities.

22:56 – So now tell me, do you have any option, but to implement, but to execute?

When you don’t have an option. Suddenly you implement, suddenly you snap back suddenly, your capability comes out? Isn’t it true?

What needs to change? Right now, for you to go out and start implementing this and start acting on this.


I just need to take action

23:15 – The first step towards planning your outcome

What is the first thing you’re going to do right after this call, after you’ve planned it out? how are you going to execute? 

What have you learned today that you’re going to do that will help you get back into that confident state again so that you don’t procrastinate. You don’t second guess yourself and you go out and do it.

25:06 – Losing is not an option 

I will remind myself of who I want to be in 10 years or five years down the line. I want to remind myself of the possibilities that I’ll be losing out if I again, let myself go back into the old way of thinking. I don’t have that option.

25:43 – It’s not just about the destination it’s also about the journey.

I want you to also come up with ways of enjoying the journey for yourself. Because if you’re just going to go out there and say  I have to achieve this, I have to achieve this and if I don’t achieve this in one year, then I’m a failure.

Well, then that would be, that would be a huge tragedy because life is not just about achieving things, it’s also about fulfillment.

27:17 – What does failure cost?

you can actually think about this about everything that’s happened in your life right now. What did that cost you? And what did you learn?

You have to ask yourself, what is this costing me could be something that you ask yourself if it’s costing you an opportunity to improve your life 

30:29 – Limiting belief is not a bad thing 

Your n-codes are never going to go away. The negative beliefs, like the limiting beliefs, they’re always going to be there. And they’re not a bad thing. 

It‘s an important function.  Just like fear, just like pain, they serve an important function. 

But the key over here is to figure out and understand in which areas or in which circumstances are they helping you? and in which circumstances are they actually limiting you!

35:06 – Have accountability

First of all, determine the outcome that you want to work on. 

And then every day, you could keep a track of the records of your contribution towards your outcome.

you could actually see what happened in a day.

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