Strength Training

How to get stronger without weights?

How to get stronger without lifting weights

Misconceptions are rampant in the fitness industry and this topic isn’t any different. Questions like ‘How do I get stronger without lifting weights?’ or ‘How do I get stronger with body weight exercises?’ or ‘How do I get stronger with calisthenics?’ are common. There is a myth that you need to lift heavy shit to get strong while body weight exercises are geared more towards general conditioning, or some rubbish like body toning.

The question is inherently flawed. The right question to ask is:

How do I get stronger? Period.

First and foremost, what is strength? One definition puts it as the maximum capacity of work of an individual. In weight lifting jargon, this is referred to as the weight at which you can do only a single repetition or your 1 rep max.

Resistance training is the method of training used to get stronger, and the resistance could comprise of weight training or body weight training. To be more specific (again in weight training terms), lifting 80 – 90% of your one rep max for lower repetitions has been shown to be more beneficial for strength because of something called myofibril hypertrophy.

High resistance exercises also leads to neuromuscular adaptations ie. the nervous systems becomes more efficient at contracting and recruiting more muscle fibres to perform the exercise.

So, how Do I get stronger without lifting weights?

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