
Tired in spite of Sleeping enough? Here’s 4 things you can do!

Lets assume you’re doing most things right, – you’re sleeping between 6 – 8 hours a day. You have a good diet. You’re also exercising regularly. Regardless, somethings not right. Your energy levels are dipping. You’re tired. You’ve stalled in your progress, or maybe you’re even getting weaker every training session.

Well, you’ve got to realise there’s more to recovery than eating and sleeping right.

How one becomes stronger, faster, bigger etc.?

Exercise is a controlled stressor that we administer to our bodies. With sufficient recovery, our bodies adapt to the stressor, thereby becoming stronger, faster, bigger or an increased range of motion (depending on how you structure your training). With gradual increase in the intensity, volume and frequency of the stressor, we continue to illicit the adaptation response and keep getting better and better.

To get the most out of your body ie. to optimise results, we need to optimise all areas of our life:



Rest & recovery.

Today we’re going to talk about rest and recovery. More specifically, what to do about rest and recovery even though you seem to have everything under control!

Whether you’re an elite athlete that’s trying to edge out every small bit of performance that you can, or a regular person just trying to stay healthy and not slump through your day feeling tired, – it’s worthwhile to understand that our minds affect our bodies more than we realise.

In this article, we’ll talk about how your mental stress might be holding you back from your full potential. Finally we’ll look at a few techniques and tactics you can use to optimise this part of your recovery.Read More »Tired in spite of Sleeping enough? Here’s 4 things you can do!